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We are THE patient portal software in the healthcare market.
We organize health!

Join our team
Office Dogs

Our Values


Together for a better health care system! ​​


In the first place, we are people who meet each other. Secondly, we are colleagues who achieve something great together.​​


Your children, your friends, your life. No matter how you define family: we value it and know that you have other commitments besides work.​


We trust the quality of our work, not our ability to endure sitting on a chair 9 to 5. We achieve great things because we trust each other to achieve great things.​​


A mistake is an opportunity. We use this opportunity to help a colleague and pass on valuable knowledge in order to grow together.​


We work with eachother and not against each other. We share our knowledge, our experience and we also spend breaks together.​​


We meet each other at eye level. For us, it’s not about what position we have, but what we create together. Diversity is not a label for us, but substance.​


Good ideas don’t stay in our head - we implement the. We don’t rest on our successes - they are the basis for something new. We don’t stop at the status quo - we challenge it.​

What makes us different?

Working model
Company pension plan (BAV)
Team events
Office Dogs
Cereal Bar
We are on a MISSION

We organize health.

samedi establishes digital health services: easy, efficient, and secure.  ​​

Meet our team

Our philosophy is simple — hire a team of diverse, passionate people and foster a culture that empowers you to do your best work.

Do you also want to be part of the team?
Nimesh N.
Senior Software Engineer
Samedi offers a very positive work environment and a good work-life balance which I enjoy the most at Samedi. With a vision of strong leadership, I am very much hopeful to my career growth and development.

There is a good collaboration within Product Engineering group and everyone's opinion is respected. Team's focus is to keep implementing best practices and learning continuously, which allows to build great tech products.
Cathrin R.
Customer Experience Support
Samedi is like a big family. You know that you are never alone. I've never had such a great working atmosphere as at samedi.​

As a team, we are very closely connected. You can feel that everyone in the team is pulling in the same direction and we master the tasks we are given together.​
Tansu A.
Senior QA Engineer
For me, it is very exciting that I can experience and shape the development of the digitalization in the healthcare sector.

Our QA team is very communicative and present, even though we mostly work remotely. We always support each other and we are always there to help with any problems or questions.
Konstantinos R.
Because I identify with our mission of digitalising healthcare while keeping privacy and security at the forefront. The COVID-19 pandemic taught us that the right technology can save lives!

Our Product Engineering Group consists of highly-skilled but humble folks who are always willing to help each other and go the extra mile while still having fun
Bilge A.
Head of Customer Success
I enjoy working at samedi because I experience an inspiring corporate culture that promotes innovation and personal growth. The diverse challenges and the opportunity to lead and motivate my team energise me every day.

My team is characterised in particular by its high level of expertise, commitment and team spirit. We see ourselves not only as colleagues, but also as supporters and motivate each other to give our best. This co-operation enables us to be successful even in challenging situations and to achieve goals together.
Philipp K.
Head of Sales Germany
I love the collegues and working at samedi with highly motivated collegues is always a dream.

Our team is a real team where teamwork is a living philosophy.
Ulrike Z.
Teamlead KHZG
The work at samedi is varied and you are constantly being introduced to new topics. We look at what interests and skills you bring with you and how you can best support the team, the company and the vision.

Our team is made up of members from very different areas, who therefore bring a wide variety of perspectives to the tasks and challenges. As a team, everyone contributes and can rely on the support of others.
Alina W.
Talent Acquisition Manager
I like working at samedi because we create value together and of course because of my colleagues.

Our team is special because we are passionate about what we do and we never lose our sense of humor.​
Atanas K.
Solution Architect
I came to SA through a recommendation (a big thank you at this point!). Right from the start, I was warmly welcomed and thoroughly trained. The chance to grow professionally while pursuing my passion makes SA a particularly pleasant work environment for me.

What makes my team stand out is our hands-on mentality. Thanks to the fact that we genuinely enjoy our work, everyone is eager to pitch in. Each team member is a professional in their respective field, and the spirit of collaboration is alive and well. I'm proud to be a samedian.
Janine H.
Office Manager
I like to work for a future-orientated product and as an event and office manager I combine my passion for emotional and valuable interactions with managing a structured back office that keeps the employees' backs free.

My team supports each other in difficult times, celebrates success together and we also know when it's time for a break with laughter, good food and new inspiration.
Sascha Sebastian H.
Solution Engineer
Being helpful and caring for each other is highly regarded and appreciated.

Having interfaces not only with lots of software, but also virtually every other team in-house!
Maximilian S.
Team Lead CS Consultant
I like working at samedi because you're not just another personnel number here, the focus is still on people.

Everyone helps everyone and it is always a joint effort to find solutions.
Mareike R.
Product Manager
I like working at samedi because the people are just great and I enjoy working in product management because you are constantly learning and developing. I also like seeing how our product grows and improves and being able to play an active role in shaping it.

I particularly like our team because my colleagues are super nice and helpful. You can always ask questions and get valuable input and feedback. I would say that the team spirit in our team is special and we get along really well both privately and professionally.
Fabian H.
Projektmanager KHZG
I enjoy working at samedi because colleagues are much more than people we happen to work with.

Despite our vastly different backgrounds we all respect and help out each other while we work towards the same goal: improving the healthcare system.
Magdalena G.
Product Designer (UI&UX)
I feel that my work in technology is meaningful. 

I can always learn from my colleagues. Also, they're simply awesome. 
Fabian M.
Projektmanager KHZG
I like working at samedi because I am given the opportunity to adapt my work to my personal circumstances. samedi encourages my development in different areas of expertise according to my interests and abilities, so that I have been able to work in various fields and learn new things in a short amount of time. 

My team consists of people with many different backgrounds, experiences and ways of thinking. This makes for a creative and stimulating exchange that enriches my wealth of knowledge and makes the product of our joint work unique and multi-layered. Challenges are overcome together as a team and you are never alone with problems.
Viktoria M.
UX/UI Webdesigner
It feels good to work in the e-health market. With my design skills, I can make a meaningful contribution. I am very much encouraged in my creativity. It's also fun to rock out here every day with so many great colleagues.

Digital Infusion as a subsidiary is the creative web agency of samedi. We realise the special requirements of sameid customers. We live creativity and innovation in the digital market.
Ines A.
Co-Head of Marketing & Digital Infusion
I like working at samedi because I appreciate the collegial and friendly atmosphere in the company. I work in an exciting, growing environment with new challenges all the time - and I enjoy that!

In my team, creativity and lots of laughter are on the weekly agenda.
Christopher L.
Head of Key Account Management
As an "e-Healther" by conviction, I am in exactly the right place at samedi to help drive forward the digitalisation of the healthcare sector. I appreciate the family atmosphere, the great team spirit and the professionalism - everyone is united by the desire to make a difference.

In Key Account Management, it's important to have a good connection to a wide range of contacts. Our big advantage here is a very diverse team: when trained doctors, nurses and business economists work together, you quickly see eye-to-eye and lay the foundations for successful collaboration.
Lindsay L.
Account Executive
Because our samedi solution offers real support in the everyday life of institutions.​

​It's not a classic sales team with an elbow mentality. We help each other so that we reach the goal together in the end. It's a really great atmosphere.​
Felix H.
Team Lead Customer Care
Samedi gives me enough freedom to develop own ideas and projects.

We in the Customer Care team proactively look after our clients and consult them in getting the best out of samedi.
Alexander B.
Director Medi. Solutions & Telemedicine
I have the feeling that I can really make a difference here, contribute something to the healthcare landscape in Germany - to do something that helps other people. It's an unrivalled feeling!

The range of tasks is extremely varied and I can rely on my colleagues at all times. Trust and teamwork are the two key factors for our success!
Philipp H.
Cooperation Manager
I like working at Samedi because our office is right in F-Hain. The founders and managing directors are still part of the management team and are involved in operations. Our main product, the Samedi calendar, offers me plenty of opportunities to advance digitalisation in the healthcare sector and connect all service providers with each other.

I enjoy working in my team because there is a good mix of ambition and work-life balance. All colleagues help each other and regularly share market-relevant information with each other.
Dr. med. Tobias W.
Director Key Accounts
I enjoy working for samedi because it is a meaningful task to work on improving medical care and have a direct influence on the healthcare system in Germany. I also like the family-like environment with low hierarchies and a good team spirit. 

In my eyes, my team is not special - good teamwork, trusting and respectful communication and the willingness to help each other are normal at samedi
Jette P.
Customer Success Consultant
I want to make my contribution to making the health system more efficient and accessible for patients and doctors.

I feel very comfortable in my team, because everyone is very helpful and competent.
Nicole E.
Senior People Manager
For me, it was always important to work in a company that pursues a good purpose. At samedi, the start-up feeling comes together with a medium-sized company. The perfect mix for me!

The standard phrase "we support each other in our team" really does apply to us. We call this our "turtle knowledge". We can rely on each other at all times, motivate each other and carry each other through challenging times. All because we have one thing in common: We care about people!
Franz G.
Junior Product Manager
I like working at samedi because my tasks are so varied that it never feels like routine work.

My team is very open and supportive. We really bound together and try to help each other out where we can.
Dirk M.
Senior Project Manager
I like working at samedi because of the positive corporate culture and the opportunity to work innovatively in the field of digitalisation of medical practices, MVZs and clinics.

My team is characterised by strong cohesion, high efficiency and strong collaboration.
Maeva R.
Office Manager
I like working at samedi because it is a dynamic and human company.

The office management team ensures that all samedi employees work in a pleasant atmosphere and have great times together at internal events.

We're hiring!

We're looking for talented people for our company!

Our interview process

Transparency is important to us, which is why you can see the general application process here. You can see exactly what you can expect in the job advertisement.


Your application

Thank you for your application. We will get back to you as soon as possible.


First Meeting

The first meeting takes place via MS Teams with the Hiring Manager.​



You will be given a test task to prepare and get to know your potential colleagues in our office or via MS Teams.​


Cultural Add

In our Cultural Add you will get to know our Managing Director or a colleague from our C-level via MS Teams.



Everything fits? Then we'll call you to make the offer.​

Our onboarding process



One week before your start, we will send you your onboarding plan and exciting information for the first few days.



Your first three days will take place at our Berlin office. The main focus here is on gaining an initial insight into our structure, including Q&A with various heads, samedi as an employer and product training to give you a good initial overview.​​


Meet your Buddy

In addition to your mentor from your team, your buddy will accompany you and be available to answer any non-technical questions you may have.



After general onboarding, you will go to team onboarding, which takes place remotely or in the office, depending on your working model. Team onboarding is primarily about professional onboarding with your mentor and in the team. Depending on the position, it takes 3-5 months.

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about us
Can I also work remotely at samedi?
As long as you have a functioning Internet connection and it has not been contractually agreed otherwise,
you can work remotely throughout Germany in consultation with your supervisor.
What language is spoken at samedi? ​
The official language at samedi-wide meetings and events is English. Within the team, the language can be either English or German.​
I applied to you some time ago but have not yet received any information,
what now? ​
We will try to give you feedback on your application within 7 working days.
Do you have samedi-wide events?
There is a samedi-wide event once a quarter to which all employees are invited. If you are not from Berlin, your travel costs to the events will of course be covered.​
Sustainablity: As an e-health company, we want to be a role model in terms of sustainability.
We try to do what we can to keep CO2 emissions low. We support rail travel for business travelers with a Bahncard plus, and if you need a company car, it will either be a hybrid vehicle or a fully electric vehicle. We are also very pleased that our employees have been able to apply for a job bike since this year. We also attach great importance to sustainability in the office, which is why we work as paperless as possible and use reusable glass bottles, for example.​

Follow us on Instagram for more impressions of our daily life at samedi! @samedipeople​


Get in touch with us

And send us an email. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. ​

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